Get the real Time On Site and Bounce Rate in Google Analytics. Google Analytics calculates the Time On Site based on the length of time between a user entering your site and their last page view.
This won’t give you the REAL Time on Site and Bounce Rate stats.
The plugin is compatible with Google Analytics 3. It’s not compatible with Google Analytics 4.
If you use Google Analytics 3, this plugin will give accurate data to your Google Analytics tracker, by constantly pinging it for as long as the user is actually on your page.
A visitor is very interested in one of your pages and takes 2 minutes and 13 seconds to read the article. After this he bookmarks the page and leaves.
This visitor stayed 2 minutes and 13 seconds on your page, but never interacted with it. To Google that is a bounce! And bounced visits are marked 0:00 Time on Site. Not fair, right?
A visitor goes to your website and stays 1 minute and 11 seconds on the first page. Then, he goes to a second page where he stays 1 minute and 12 seconds. Without any interaction on this page, he leaves. Since Google doesn’t know how long your visitor stayed on the second page, Google will add only the time the visitor spent on the first page to Analytics. Not fair, right?
This plugin sets this straight. It will tell Google Analytics every 10 seconds that your visitor is still on the page and that there was some interaction on that page. Your page will be “unbounced”.
It’s all based on a script made by Brian Cray and is totally accepted by Google (see Other Notes for more info). The results are more accurate Time on Site and Bounce Rate statistics.
Check you page source for a line that ends with: /wp-content/plugins/reduce-bounce-rate/js/analyticsjs.js’> for analytics.js, /wp-content/plugins/reduce-bounce-rate/js/gajs.js’> for ga.js and /wp-content/plugins/reduce-bounce-rate/js/ga4wpjs.js’> for working together with WordPress SEO.
By default, the script will be added to the bottom of the page. If this line is not present, your theme might not have wp_footer() in the footer.php.
After a day, you should see the Bounce Rate drop in Google Analytics. Then you’ll know for sure it’s working.
Idea based on Brian Cray’s post (which he deleted, but it still must be on the Internet somewhere…)
Scroll percentage code heavily based on Mohamed Adel’s code
Google says it’s OK to use this method
Yes, if you use the Universal Analytics (analytics.js). If you are still using the older ga.js tracking code or if the Google Analytics by MonsterInsights plugin is active, you have go to the Settings Page to choose the one you use. There you can fine-tune how and when you want to send or block info to Analytics.